

Turbot growth performance on soy-based feeds

Turbot are typically fed diets containing 45 to 65 percent fishmeal. In a study that gave turbot feed with 40 percent soy protein concentrate, the fish exhibited decent growth and excellent survival.

Turbot are typically fed diets containing 45 to 65 percent fishmeal. In a study that gave turbot feed with 40 percent soy protein concentrate, the fish exhibited decent growth and excellent survival.

In general, carnivorous fish species have poor tolerance of soy NFE. Chinook salmon, for example, have zero tolerance. However, the tolerance amongst carnivorous species is variable.

Using a combination of dehulled soybean meal and soy protein concentrate can effectively replace fishmeal and lower the cost of feed while achieving adequate performance in fish growth and economy. A current study is evaluating the optimized soy diet when fed to 250-g submarket-size fish grown to a market size greater than 600 g.

Author: Hsiang Pin Lan

Source: Global Aquaculture Advocate

The full article is available here.