

IPIFF vision paper on the future of the insect sector towards 2030

The International Platform of Insects for Food and Feed presented an updated vision paper on the future of the insect sector towards 2030, The European insect sector today: challenged, opportunities and regulatory landscape.

IPIFF vision paper on the future of the insect sector towards 2030

IPIFF, the umbrella association representing stakeholders active throughout the insect production value chains, presented an updated vision paper on the future of the insect sector towards 2030, The European insect sector today: challenged, opportunities and regulatory landscape.

The revised version presents new elements and figures reflecting the most recent developments of the European insect sector.

IPIFF, the International Platform of Insects for Food and Feed, is an EU non-profit organization which represents the interests of the insect production sector towards EU policy makers, European stakeholders and citizens. Originally created in 2012, the association is today composed of 54 members. Most IPIFF members are European small and medium-sized enterprises who produce insects for the European market. The association also welcomes insect producing companies located outside Europe, research institutes and other actors along the food supply chain.

Download the updated vision paper here.